Lily Anderson

Lily Anderson

Class Year



Rockford, Illinois


Computer Science



When Lily Anderson ’25 first started at Carthage, she didn’t know what to major in because she liked to do so many things. Luckily, The Aspire Center staff helped her narrow down her interests and declare a major in computer science.

See resources for undecided students

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“Students should definitely consider computer science because it is a perfect clash of creativity and mathematics.”

Lily Anderson, ’25

Toughest class

“Computer Organization. Those who have taken it will agree with me. Completing that course was a huge confidence booster in my skills in computer science.”

Campus involvement

“I am a captain of the Mock Trial Team (an academic team), which has been very interesting. I encourage anyone interested in 法律 to join because I learned that, while I love the competition of Mock Trial, I don’t want to be a 法律yer, and Mock Trial helped show me that. With the team, I have been able to travel to courthouses all over the Midwest and get inside the daily lives of 法律yers and judges. This team is also great if you want to improve your public speaking, quick thinking skills, and source citations!”

Golden opportunities

“作为一个 theatre minor, I have gotten the amazing opportunity to perform on Carthage stages! My freshman year, I got to work with Natalie Lall ’22, a great student director, on ‘Big Guns.’ My sophomore year, I got the feature role as Eurydice in ‘Antigone.’ My junior year, I get to help debut ‘The Genderless Play Experiment,’ written by C. Quintana and directed by Lucky Stiff, as one of seven cast members.”

Internships or campus employment

“I am a computer science tutor on campus, which is super awesome. I love working with peers to help them understand a subject I am passionate about. +, the other tutors are super fun to work with, and I learn a lot from watching them help students, 太.”

Favorite memory

“One of my favorite memories is of teaching my roommate, Eva Menzia ’25, to fly a kite. I bring a kite every year just because, and last year, we both had some free time before classes on a windy Thursday, so we went down to the beach behind Madrigano Hall and flew the kite.

“I also enjoyed the time I was in a ceramics elective and worked late into the night in the studio with Eva, my friend KJ, and others. We learned how to use the pottery wheels (and how to clean them). And lastly, the memories of getting projects done with my friends in computer science, whether we were spending time at the Comp Sci BBQs or taking over an 橡树 lounge past midnight.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“My advice for anyone considering computer science is that — if the debugging isn’t fun or gratifying, this is probably not your major, but that’s okay!”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“When I was 8, I would always tell my Grandma that I wanted to be an artist-scientist, and I think I’m getting as close to that as I possibly can.”

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